David Hasselhoff Walked Daughter Down the Aisle & His Girl Cried as Dad Is ‘Light’ in Her Life

    “Baywatch” star David Hasselhoff, 70, has been raising his two daughters alone after fighting with his ex-wife, Pamela Bach.

    Now, David’s older daughter gets married at a garden wedding. Details and photos have been released.

    To most of the world, David Hasselhoff is either the face of the hit TV show “Knight Rider” or the flexing focal figure in “Baywatch.” However, David’s two daughters mainly know him as a devoted and loving father. And the two girls mean a tremendous amount to the famous actor as well.

    Hayley Hasselhoff and Taylor Ann Hasselhoff are the apples of their dad’s eye. The actor has been their primary guardian ever since they were teenagers. David shares his two daughters with his ex-wife, Pamela Bach.

    David Hasselhoff on "Baywatch," on July 17, 1996 at Malibu Beach in Malibu, California | Source: Getty Images

    Recently, the loving dad had to see one of his daughters truly leave the nest to build a family of her own. His oldest daughter, Taylor, 32, recently tied the knot with her fiancé, Madison Fiore, 33.

    On Saturday, February 4, 2023, at Ethereal Gardens in Escondido, California, Taylor and Madison said their vows.

    Taylor felt she was going to go through the day without crying.

    Taylor spoke about the experience afterward, saying it was one of the most memorable moments of her entire life.

    She enjoyed having all their loved ones together and having everything play out precisely as planned left the newlyweds with a day they would tell their children about one day.

    Taylor Hasselhoff's wedding, 2023 | Source: instagram.com/talynfiore

    Like any proud dad, David was happy to walk his daughter down the aisle, and according to Taylor, she was overjoyed to have him. The oldest Hasselhoff sibling admitted to bursting out in tears when she saw her father waiting for her as she approached the aisle.

    The pair were married for an impressive 16 years before calling it quits in 2006.

    Taylor felt she was going to go through the day without crying. Tayor believed she was perfectly composed. That was until her dad smiled at her as she approached him, telling her how beautiful she looked. When the man who raised her looked so happy and proud of her, Taylor couldn’t hold back tears any longer. She recounted:

    “I think the reason I started crying is when I saw my dad, because he was just such a big light in my life. He’s also just so supportive and so loving, and I know how much he cares about my wellbeing and my happiness.”
    David and his oldest daughter walked down the aisle after an emotional moment with “Bittersweet Symphony” by The Verve playing in the background. Taylor mentioned how happy she was to have walked with him and to see how delighted David was to see her get married. She commented:

    “I felt fine until I saw him. But it was just because he was so happy for me and his smile was so big and he was just like, ‘You look so beautiful.’”

    Taylor added that it was an honor to walk down the aisle with her father, especially because she could see how happy he was about her staring “this new journey.”

    Meanwhile, Madison waited for his bride as she made her way toward him. The two initially met on a dating app and were engaged in December 2021. Taylor admitted she never thought she would meet her husband online, but she couldn’t be happier.

    David built a close bond with his daughters after he separated from his ex-wife, Pamela. The pair were married for an impressive 16 years before calling it quits in 2006. After they filed for divorce, David and Pamela were caught up in a lengthy and expensive court case and battle for custody of their young daughters.

    The two spent months trying to state their cases, but in the end, David managed to win custody of the girls. The judge who made the ruling decreed that Pamela could see her children every second weekend, and she could have dinner with them on Wednesdays.

    David Hasselhoff, wife Pamela Bach, and daughters, 2001 | Source: Getty Images

    David filed for divorce because he claimed Pamela was often in a state of inebriation and she had become addicted to illicit substances. He added that she engaged in substance abuse and spent time with their kids in her inebriated state. After he gained custody of his daughters, David became their main caregiver. He commented on his role as a dad:

    “When I was at home, I was Dad. I took them to swimming and soccer and did all the dad stuff and when I was away working I think they thought I was just hanging out at the beach or visiting Germany for fun.”

    Unfortunately, the court case left David with very little money. David spent a tremendous amount on legal counsel, and his ex-wife was entitled to much of what he had left after paying legal fees. Likewise, Pamela was left without a steady income, saying she was struggling to find work.

    The actor rarely brought work home, preferring to spend time with his daughters. They only realized who he was when they were well into their teenage years. Instead, David was an ordinary father at home who did all he could to look after his daughters.

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