A Veteran Unable To Pay For His Groceries Turns Around To Hear Customer Say, “It’s our turn.”

    Larry Robeson, a Vietnam veteran facing financial struggles, found himself at a grocery store in Las Vegas where the Fox 5 Surprise Squad was helping people by covering their grocery bills. Despite his own challenges, Larry had accompanied his friend Stephanie, a disabled fellow veteran, to the store. Stephanie, down to her last $50, was buying food for herself and her dogs.

    Dave Hall, the reporter leading the Surprise Squad, offered to cover Stephanie’s groceries. As they interacted, Dave noticed Larry standing quietly behind her. It turned out that Larry had established the Bones for Blankets club, aiming to donate blankets to homeless veterans left on the streets after their service. He started the club after three fellow veterans tragically froze to death.

    Larry, committed to supporting Stephanie due to her disability, expressed his belief that no veteran should endure the challenges she faced. Touched by Larry’s story, Dave insisted that Larry wouldn’t leave the store without the Surprise Squad team covering his groceries as well.

    Initially planning to purchase dish soap and candy, Larry was moved when Dave told him, “You served us. It’s our turn to serve you now.” With tears in his eyes, Larry was given the opportunity to freely choose groceries around the store. The total came to $278, a sum covered by Dave and the Surprise Squad.

    Overwhelmed by the unexpected generosity, Larry expressed his gratitude, saying, “This is just overwhelming; I’ve been taking care of myself since I was 13.” The Surprise Squad’s act of kindness not only provided practical support but also highlighted the importance of giving back to those who have served their country.

    Watch Larry’s experience with the Surprise Squad below:

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