“When did we start allowing sick oldies on the ship?” one of the women said. “I thought cruises are meant for the young and rich like us to enjoy. Perhaps she spent all her life savings to see the sea before God calls her home!”

    Two female first-class passengers mocked an older woman for her appearance and were shocked when the ship’s captain addressed her at the end of the trip.

    73-year-old Agnes Bradford was alone. Very alone. After her husband, Victor, passed away 25 years ago when their son Luke was 13, Agnes had a hard time dealing with Victor’s loss. He used to be a sailor, and she had to become both mom and dad to young Luke after his demise.

    Agnes already had too much on her plate, considering being a single mom wasn’t so easy. But her problems arose when Luke declared that he would follow Victor’s footsteps and become a sailor.

    Agnes’ heart sank at the very thought of it, as Luke was the only one she had after Victor tragically lost his life in the waters. But she couldn’t let herself destroy her son’s dreams and finally caved in.

    At 38, Luke made her proud as an esteemed cruise line captain. He urged her multiple times to accompany him on a cruise tour, but Agnes kept putting it off due to her seasickness, which she developed only after Victor’s tragic demise. She never gave in to Luke’s request until one day….

    Agnes was very alone after Victor died and Luke moved out. | Source: Pexels

    “Mrs. Bradford,” her doctor told her. “A year is all that you have. We suggest you tell your son about it….”

    Agnes was diagnosed with cancer and didn’t have much time. She was crying incessantly when she got home from the doctor’s, and the only thought that came to her head was Luke.

    She wanted to fulfill his request of traveling on his ship once, so that night, she left him a message: “Hi honey! This is mom. I hope you’re doing great. I was planning on taking a trip with you on your ship! Let me know when you’ll be free….” She revealed her cancer diagnosis to Luke and that all she had was a year to live.

    Soon enough, Luke sent her first-class tickets and wrote: “I would love to have you on board, Mom. Let’s do everything together while we can! Thank you for making my dream come true! I look forward to it! I love you!”

    Agnes was happy she’d be fulfilling her son’s dream before that terrible disease swept her away. But it broke her heart to think that her son would see her like this, all tired and sick from her condition.

    Agnes agreed to a voyage after she learned she had only one year to live. | Source: Pexels

    When D-Day arrived, Agnes was finally on the ship after mustering a lot of courage. But soon enough, the seasickness began to kick in. She had taken some pills to control it, but it didn’t work.

    Agnes made multiple trips to the restroom and almost collapsed by the pool, holding her stomach. Seeing her condition, two women by the pool began mocking her. “When did we start allowing sick oldies on the ship?” one of the women said. “I thought cruises are meant for the young and rich like us to enjoy. Perhaps she spent all her life savings to see the sea before God calls her home!”

    Life is too short to hold yourself back from the things you want to do because of your fears.
    The other woman laughed. “That’s definitely the case! How else do you think we have a fragile, old hag here?”

    Agnes looked at them but didn’t say anything. She lowered her eyes and stared at her lap, thinking about Luke. Luke being near her gave her strength that she’d be fine. But the thing was, she wasn’t fine. She felt something rising to her throat again, and she had to rush to the restroom once again.

    As she left, she heard the two women chuckling, and tears came to her eyes, but there was little she could do about it.

    From that day on, throughout the trip, whenever the two women saw Agnes, they would look at each other and say something Agnes knew was about her. Agnes felt horrible but didn’t want to ruin her mood and ignored them. After all, it was the first and last time she’d be on a cruise with her son.

    On her last day on the ship, the two women were about to seize their chance to humiliate poor Agnes again. But just as they were ready to approach her, the captain’s address over the intercom halted them.

    “Hello, everyone,” the captain began.

    “As we near the end of our voyage, I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been a part of it. This journey happens to be more meaningful for me because of a particular person on board. My dearest mother, Agnes, is with us on this liner.

    “After my father’s tragic death, my mother gave up everything for me so I could become a sailor. And now that I find myself at the helm of this beautiful ship, I am grateful. This is all because of her.

    Agnes didn't know her son would surprise her like that in front of everyone. | Source: Pexels

    “Unfortunately, my mother recently learned she is ill,” Luke’s voice began to shake. “However, mom, I promise you that during this year that the doctors have given you, I will do everything in my power to make your life as happy as possible. I’ll be there for you till the very last second! That is a promise! I love you!”

    At this moment, Agnes was crying, as were the others around her, except for the two rude women who couldn’t believe the captain’s warm remarks were directed at Agnes.

    Luke approached his mother a few minutes later, gave her a bunch of flowers, and hugged her. “I love you, mom! I love you so much!”

    Everyone applauded the emotional moment while the two women bowed their heads in shame. They regretted picking on a sick old lady.

    After this incident, Luke took Agnes on several cruises. It wasn’t her last one, contrary to what Agnes thought. Surprisingly, her cancer went into remission, and her seasickness didn’t bother her as much. What’s more, against all predictions, Agnes lived another six blissful years and died peacefully in her sleep.

    A year later, Luke got married and had a daughter, whom he named after his mother.

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